
Telling Time

Telling Time

Words used for telling time:

Time on the hour:
1:00        一点钟
2:00        两点钟 or 二点钟
3:00        三点钟
11:00     十一点钟
12:00     十二点钟

Format …. …. (钟)
3:50        三点五十分(钟)       
4:27        四点二十七分(钟)

When time is recited as digital time, if the number of minutes is smaller than ten, minutes may optionally begin with
2:02        两点零二分

To indicate half past the hour, use
6:30        六点半
12:30     十二点半

The phrases 一刻 ‘one quarter’ and 三刻 ‘three quarters’ can be used to express a quarter after or a quarter to and 45 minutes after the hour.
7:15        七点一刻
7:45        七点三刻

introduces minutes before the hour.
6:50        差十分七点
1.42        差十八分两点

Some examples with two or more ways of reciting time:
8.15        八点十五分
11.30     十一点三十分
12.45     十二点四十五分

In Chinese, instead of the two-way distinction between am and pm, time is categorized as follow:
Morning (early hours, 6-8 or 9 am)                           早上
Before noon 8 or 9am until noon                    上午
Midday (12 noon or the time around noon)         中午
Afternoon (1 pm to 6 pm)                                            下午
Evening                (beginning approximately 6pm)                               晚上
Midnight – middle of night (midnight to 3am)     半夜

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